Thursday 26 June 2014

Create a Website

First How to Create the Website Design and Process.  Those are below Steps must and should follow them.
There are numerous steps in the web site design and development process. From gathering initial information, to the creation of your web site, and finally to maintenance to keep your web site up to date and current.
The exact process will vary slightly from designer to designer, but the basics are the same.
  1. Information Gathering
  2. Planning
  3. Design
  4. Development
  5. Testing and Delivery
  6. Maintenance
Let us take a search in Google how to layout Design and Examples of Design Layouts See and after Select which type you wants to Create Select it.After take a
Photoshop Design Layout in format of lay-ours.

 Decide on the domain name for your website. Check it’s availability. If your set on a domain name and it is available, ask your web developer to purchase it on your behalf, or purchase it yourself(Godaddy). I you purchase it yourself, the developer will need to know the login details you receive when you purchase the domain name.

Set up email addresses. Decide on email addresses you will use with your new website domain name. Eg., or up email addresses on computers you will check email on. Alternatively, the developer may offer webmail services where you can login to a website to check email (like hotmail, gmail etc). Test email addresses. Make sure you can send and receive email.

The developer puts the website live. This involves uploading your website files to a web server (host). It may also involve uploading and setting up databases for your website. Your domain will now be ‘pointed’ to the web server. Between a couple of hours and 48 hours, your website will now be accessible by visiting your domain name.

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