The purpose of a web browser (such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) is to read HTML documents and display them as web pages.
The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to determine how the content of the HTML page is to be presented/displayed to the user:Then Learn about the HTML .
What is HTML mean:
HTML means Hyper text markup Language .It's Contain an One type of Document.HTML is a language for describing web pages.HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags.In HTML, most elements are written with a start tage.g. <p>) and an end tag (e.g. </p>).
First Take the Notepad and Write Code of HTML and after save the File into your System like (EX:kumar.html).After Right Click on that file to use your mouse Open with such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, (or) Firefox, Safari).Now see the Output.

First Start the Html Code into the Notepad Like on below.
<!DOCTYPE html> (declaration defines the document type)
<html> <!-- Html open tag -->
<head> <!-- head tag open -->
<title> <!-- title tag open -->
</title> <!--title tag Close -->
<style> <!--style tag open -->
</style> <!--style tag close -->
</head> <!--head tag close -->
<body> <!--body tag close -->
</body> <!--body close tag -->
</html> <!--HTML close tag -->
In this Comments are Specified by the <!-- Content -->
In head tag Defined as a style was called It Defines the Which one was width and height and color mention in this. This Style tags was Defined to Seperate file like Use the Link tag
Ex: <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
In this Stylesheets Defined By the another file style.css .Every style files are stored into the .css file format.If Know about to the more tags Go to Given Link.
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