Tuesday 8 July 2014

10 ways technology will change world by 2025

As technology changes the way we live our day-to-day lives, it is fascinating to imagine what the future will bring. We may like to imagine one day living on Mars with technology that lets us teleport our toothpaste from CVS and the ability to apparate like Harry Potter.

To help us better imagine what the future holds, Thomson Reuters' Intellectual Property & Science division compiled a report of the 10 innovations they believe will take place by 2025. They looked through research databases to find the top patent fields with the most inventions containing a priority date of 2012 or later.

These are the 10 innovations Thomson Reuters anticipates will become a reality by 2025:
Dementia will decline.
Thanks to a better understanding of the human genome and genetic mutations, doctors and scientists will be better able to detect and prevent diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. By identifying problematic DNA, scientists will be able to produce actual technology to fight the biological decline of one's mental capacity.

Solar will be the biggest source of energy:
By 2025, methods for harvesting, storing, and converting solar energy will be advanced enough to make it the primary source of energy on our planet. Something called solar photovoltaic energy will use solar panels to heat buildings and water while powering devices at home and in the office.

Type I Diabetes will be preventable.
A human genome engineering platform will make it possible to modify disease-carrying genes and prevent conditions like Type I Diabetes. Doctors and scientists will be able to modify the RNA and DNA sequences that pass on the disease.

Food shortages and food price fluctuations will no longer be a problem.
Lighting and imaging technologies will improve crop growth year round and combat the problems of traditional farming. We will also be able to grow genetically-modified crops indoors. That means that disease and environmental factors will be less

We will create DNA maps at birth to manage disease risk.
DNA mapping will be the norm thanks to advancements in single-cell analysis, nanotechnology, and Big Data technology. This could theoretically replace blood tests as a more accurate way of detecting diseases.
Teleportation will be tested:Recent research related to the Higgs Boson particle, also known as the "God particle," will help forward actual experimentation with teleporting. The idea is that turning off the Higgs Boson particle could let you travel at the speed of light and essentially teleport. It will only be at the beginning of testing, but there is a good chance there will be significant investing in testing teleportation.

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