Saturday 28 June 2014

Evidence proving existence of Ravan found in Srilanka

August 3, 2008 – A tight slap on so called “scholars” who profess scientific approach,the recent discovery by Srilanka govt has certainly caused ripples amongst such people.

The Archaeological department has found convincing evidence suggesting existence of Ravana, in the mountain range of Noroliya.The experts say that Ravana ruled SriLanka about 10000 years ago, and he possesed ‘Pushpak Viman’ (Aeroplanes) and had constructed about 5 Airports on the highest point of Noroliya mountain ranges.
Also a mummy of Ravana has been found in a cave located in one of the hills.Some balm seem to be applied to the body for preserving it, along with some metallic ornaments.

Ravan had his own Aeroplanes,which resembled ‘Eagles’ and also constructed a workshop for repairing the same.Aerodromes which were built by him were destroyed in attack by Lord Ram with a fire weapon(when he had gone to Lanka for retrieving Sita mai).The stones which were damaged during this fiery attack are still found there.And dating has revealed them to be about 10,000 yrs old.
When Ravana had kidnapped Sita mai and was returning to Lanka by his plane,he had given some tablets to her so that she doesn’t experience physical strain,which was thrown by her in fit of rage.These tablets are known as ‘Sita goli’ & are being tested in Japan.

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