Wednesday 25 June 2014

Drought Dies

India is now facing an acute shortage of food. Indian soil is unable to feed her growing population, for which huge quantities of food grains are imported from the foreign countries like U.K., U.S.A., Australia and Burma.

Consequently, great amount of Indian wealth is drained away to the other parts of the world leaving India in abject poverty and excessive misery.
The Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the Ministry of Agriculture played a 
crucial role in the Green Revolution era of the late 1960s. ICAR developed new strains of high 
yield value seeds, mainly wheat and rice, millet and corn. The most noteworthy seed was the 
K68 variety for wheat which pushed up food grain production significantly during the 
subsequent decade. 
The ‘Green Revolution’ resulted in a record grain output of 131 million tons during 1978-79. This 
established India as one of the world's biggest agricultural producers. No other country in the 
world which attempted the Green Revolution recorded such levels of success. India also became 
an exporter of food grains during the same time. Yield per unit of farmland jumped by more 
than 30% between 1947 -1979 when the Green Revolution was considered to have delivered its 
goods in the short term. 
However the thrust on policy approach to agriculture since the 1990s has been to secure 
increased production through subsidies on inputs such as power, water and fertiliser, and by 
increasing the minimum support price (MSP) rather than through building new capital assets in 
irrigation, power and rural infrastructure. This has shifted the production base from low-cost 
regions to high-cost ones, causing an increase in the cost of production, regional imbalances, 
and an increase in the burden of storage and transport of food grains. Besides, ground water 
particularly in northern Indian states of Haryana, Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh is rapidly 

Food Production:
In Present Economy for the Our Food Production Decreases Year by Year.The last year 
Indian  government had budgeted Rs 74,551 crore in food subsidy for 2012-13.Then Production InCreases Projected to rise 0.7% Compare to last year.It is refort of Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE).In Present Food Production Compare to state Wide Punjab First Place and Second Place was Andhra Pradesh. Least Production In Sikkim.

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